What are the trends and developments in product data management 2025? Or in other words: What do the Digital Product Passport (DPP), Data Democratization, and Composable Commerce have in common? Exactly! They all relate to how we handle product data — and all these topics...

With the Software-as-a-Service solution CatalogExpress, you can integrate various source systems, such as PIM or ERP, with your Shopware 6 shop. CatalogExpress communicates with the Shopware Admin API for this purpose...

  AI, headless or real-time data? What trends and challenges in product data management can you expect in 2023? Where will the journey in the field of data syndication, data onboarding, omnichannel or even PIM go in 2023? We asked our CEO Guido Sauerland and Business...

When it comes to the processes surrounding your data syndication, you should definitely take the issue of performance into consideration. There is nothing more annoying for the user than long waiting or reaction times within product data preparation. In turn, poor performance also means longer...

  Every marketplace is different and has its own requirements for your product data. This also applies to Amazon Marketplace. As a merchant on Amazon, you have to overcome some challenges in your processes. For example, you have to keep your product data up to date...

  Do you know it? The enjoyment of a digestif (also: nightcap) as the crowning conclusion of a noble dinner. While its counterpart, the aperitif, gets you in the mood for the evening, the digestif makes for easier digestion and perfectly rounds off the meal. The...

  Are you a trader? Then you surely get sometimes more and sometimes less good or structured supplier data. If you get the data the way you need it, onboarding supplier data is easy and the content can be checked quickly. With our Supplier-Portal, we already...

  CatalogExpress has grown extremely, reaching new dimensions never seen before. The possibilities in B2B data delivery for the users as well as the easy and fast implementation offer enormous flexibility for us and our customers and new customers. Our software solution for the creation of...

On the occasion of the 10th priint:day in Duisburg, Guido Sauerland and Fabian Fischer took the participants on a fantastic journey "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". But how do bubbles, product data and BMEcat fit together? Their joint best practice presentation "Babelfiish 2021 - When...