Every two years, a new ETIM version is released. The classification standard is continuously developed further in order to adjust it to recent and upcoming market demands. In this blog post, you will learn about the latest updates and developments regarding ETIM 10.0....

ETIM classifications are often cumbersome. Discover how to easily classify according to ETIM and navigate version changes effortlessly!...

  ETIM International has long advocated for a new exchange format. Last fall, the focus here was a mix of the Dutch DICO and the EMDG (European Master Data Guideline). According to the latest rumors, BMEcat is said to be replaced by a completely new exchange...

  WAREMA Renkhoff SE is a full-service provider for intelligent, exterior sun protection and smart control systems. The company is headquartered in Marktheidenfeld, Germany, and currently employs more than 5,000 people. In addition to the original WAREMA brand, the group of companies also includes five other...

  Classification models are on the move. ETIM and ECLASS are now available in versions 9 and 13. In ECLASS 13 alone, 200,000 change requests have been incorporated; in ETIM 9 it has been "just" 5,000. Find out everything you need to know about the release...

When it comes to the processes surrounding your data syndication, you should definitely take the issue of performance into consideration. There is nothing more annoying for the user than long waiting or reaction times within product data preparation. In turn, poor performance also means longer...

  ETIM 9 is in the starting gates since 01 November 2022. At the same time, ETIM International is also working on a new ETIM data exchange format within the "ETIM Data Exchange Project" to replace the current XML exchange format according to the BMEcat ETIM...

On the occasion of the 10th priint:day in Duisburg, Guido Sauerland and Fabian Fischer took the participants on a fantastic journey "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". But how do bubbles, product data and BMEcat fit together? Their joint best practice presentation "Babelfiish 2021 - When...