Aktuelle Entwicklungen zu ETIM 10

ETIM 10 is here: What you need to know


Learn about the latest ETIM 10 Updates and Developments: Every two years, a new ETIM version is released. The classification standard is continuously developed further in order to adjust it to recent and upcoming market demands. 

In our latest article, you can learn more about ETIM 10 and the new grouping function “Feature Grouping”.


ETIM 10 has been released

The release of ETIM 10.0 was originally scheduled for November 1, 2024. However, since the release of ETIM 9.0, around 3,000 change requests for the new version were submitted. As a result, ETIM International decided to extend the original timeline.

On December 5, 2024, the time had finally come: ETIM 10.0 was officially released — exactly two years to the day after the release of ETIM 9.0.

If you are an ETIM member, you can review all planned changes for errors. During the beta phase, the entire model is reviewed using checklists to identify any issues and ensure compliance, so that the final release is as error-free and high-quality as possible.


What new features does ETIM 10.0 offer?

The new ETIM 10.0 version includes, among other things, the following innovations:

  • The ETIM classification now consists of a total of 5,640 classes, as 119 additional classes have been added with ETIM 10.0.
  • Since the release of version 9.0, 3,000 new change requests (Request for Change, or RFCs) have been implemented.
  • The previous ETIM groups (EG) have been supplemented by an optional additional grouping element called “Feature Grouping.”

To enable ETIM members to migrate their data from ETIM 9.0 to the ETIM 10.0 format, ETIM also provides a dedicated mapping table.


What is the new “Feature Grouping” element in ETIM 10?

With the release of ETIM 10.0, the previous ETIM groups (EG) were expanded to include an additional, optionally usable structuring element called “Feature Grouping.”

An “ETIM Feature Group” (abbreviated “EFG”) is a higher-level category that logically and clearly groups thematically related ETIM attributes. This simplifies the overview, handling, and processing of product data overall.


How is an ETIM Feature Group structured?

Tabularly, a Feature Group consists of:

  • A unique identifier (FEATUREGROUPID): An 8-character identifier, e.g., EFG00001, EFG00002, etc., and
  • A description (FEATUREGROUPDESC): A description with up to 80 characters.

Each ETIM attribute (identified by the FEATUREID) can be assigned to a Feature Group. This assignment creates a logical structure that enables more efficient filtering of attributes.

Imagine a Feature Group (EFG) “Size”. This Feature Group then contains various thematically related attributes such as

  • Diameter (e.g., “40 cm”)
  • Length (e.g., “100 cm”)
  • Width (e.g., “50 cm”)


What is the relationship between Feature Groups and ETIM attributes?

A Feature Group (EFG) can contain multiple attributes (Features), and an attribute can also be assigned to multiple Feature Groups. This n:m relationship between Feature Groups and attributes allows for a flexible structure, where attributes can also appear in different groups as needed. Particularly where many attributes need to be frequently combined or filtered by similar criteria, Feature Groups can be highly beneficial.


How can you prepare for the upcoming ETIM version change?

Ensure that the ETIM version you are currently using to classify your product data also fits the upcoming requirements of your customers. For instance, if you are currently using ETIM 8 but your customers will soon require ETIM 10, you should consider changing to a newer ETIM version (e.g. ETIM 9 or directly to ETIM 10). In order to do that, you examine which changes regarding the product classifications are mandatory for the new version and implement them accordingly. You can find these changes by using the Classification Management Tool provided by ETIM. However, this option can be tedious, because you have to manually search for those changes.

This is why using an automated solution is the best choice. For example, you can do the ETIM classification change quickly and easily by using our data-syndication software CatalogExpress.

As an alternative, you can also receive an analysis of your data. This analysis delivers a quick and easy-to-understand overview on which product data need to be updated in relation to the new version. You also get informed about whether your product data are correctly prepared for ETIM 10, or if there are additional optimization opportunities. The best way for us to check your data is by sending us a BMEcat file. Excel and CSV files are also possible.

Feel free to contact us for a data analysis or regarding questions about recent developments, updates and news regarding ETIM 10.0 and how to generate it with CatalogExpress.

Wer hat‘s geschrieben?
Jan Müller

Jan joined nexoma in 2024. As a trained E-commerce merchant, product data is anything but unfamiliar to him. Additionally, as a linguistically adept marketing manager, Jan is our go-to person for many texts (German and English) and provides you with informative NEXIpedia and newsletter contributions, among other things.