Pimcore X Release

Pimcore X Release – All you need to know!

At the beginning of May the time has come – Pimcore publishes the tenth release of the open source platform. The last months the developers have been working at full speed on the new version “Pimcore X” and in a few weeks it will finally start!

What can you look forward to?

Over months, Pimcore was refactored – in other words, the software was renewed without losing its basic functions. This was the only way the “core crew” could incorporate the complex renewals and the users’ change requests into the new software. In addition, the front-end and back-end were adapted to use Symfony 5, ExtJS 7 and PHP 8.

A special feature – Pimcore X is the first and currently also the only data and experience management platform that works with Symfony 5.

In addition, you can follow all development progress on GitHub. There you can get an overview of which changes have already been made and which are still open. It is also possible to ask questions or have discussions there. Of course, the nexoma team is also available for questions and answers. Some questions have already been answered by Pimcore.

Already since the beginning of April Pimcore provides a beta version of the Pimcore X version. With the beta version, especially bug fixes are made, so that the final version can start directly as error-free as possible.

What does the new Pimcore X version mean for our customers?

Pimcore answers the most important in advance: “[…] Pimcore X will continue to be available as an open source community edition. Because we are an open source platform and we will remain an open source platform!

For our customers, we are preparing an automatic update and will contact you regarding this. Until then, you don’t have to change anything yourself, but can work with your Pimcore as usual. We will discuss the next steps together so that you can soon benefit from the technological modernization of Pimcore.

As a Pimcore Silver Partner, nexoma is of course at your side and will be happy to help you with any open questions.


Wer hat‘s geschrieben?
Julia Neuhäuser

Julia has been part of our marketing team since March 2022. As a Bachelor of Arts in Service Marketing, Julia provides you with content on marketing topics, success stories and the NEXIpedia, among other things.