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eBusiness requirements in the Benelux countries

InstallData not only with CatalogExpress

InstallData is the counterpart to the French FABDIS format. It is based on the ETIM standard and regulates the data exchange between manufacturer and trade. For this purpose InstallData uses the current ETIM7 guideline and additionally includes the dynamic publications. ETIM 5 and 6 are also accepted, but marked as “expired”.

A possible standard exchange format is BMEcat 2005, which is the most common format for data exchange. Therefore it is also supported by InstallData as standard. When using BMEcat 2005 and implementing it in a software for catalogue creation, the ETIM 4.0 guideline is recommended. For InstallData, the BMEcat 2005 ETIM version 4.0.2 guideline is the current (03/2020) leading version. In addition to the BMEcat ETIM 4.0, InstallData has also included the Dutch format SALES005 in the exchange classification, which is the main difference between the standard used in Germany and the “InstallData standard”.

What does this mean for you? You as a data supplier must be able to meet the ebusiness requirements and also take into account the specifics of the exchange. Especially in the Benelux countries Belgium and the Netherlands, these are conditions to successfully make your product data available, develop new markets and serve platforms (e.g. 2BA) and marketplaces.

How you can easily, quickly and safely meet the other requirements of InstallData?

The catalogue creation software CatalogExpress has the solution for you.

Wer hat‘s geschrieben?
Susanne Ernst

Susanne has been with nexoma since 2016. As a trained industrial clerk and specialist in marketing, she is the heart and soul of our team and our "allrounder" talent. She takes care of personnel, marketing, sales and organizational matters. Susanne provides you with content on our company culture, employee events, nexoma partnerships and other marketing topics.