14 Mar 2BA and InstallData partnership introduction
Today, we are excited to introduce not just one, but two new nexoma partners: We are looking forward to collaborating with the Dutch data pool 2BA and InstallData being its Belgian counterpart!
Both platforms enable manufacturers, suppliers, and also merchants in the installation industry to list and access product data as well as trade item data. Sounds like a perfect match, doesn’t it? Read more about what makes both platforms stand out – and how you can benefit from this new partnership too.
What is 2BA / InstallData?
The Dutch 2BA and also its Belgian counterpart, InstallData, are platforms for data exchange between manufacturers, suppliers, importers, wholesalers, and also installers. Both platforms focus on product data and trade item data from the construction, shipping, and industrial sectors. Equally, both data hubs also enable their users to efficiently and also consistently exchange data, including:
- product information,
- technical specifications (standardized according to ETIM),
- geometric specifications (according to ETIM Modelling Classes (“ETIM-MC”)),
- digital assets (images, videos, documents, etc.), and
- order, price, and also logistics details.
2BA primarily supports, or requires, data in the following standards:
- ETIM xChange (versions 1.0, and also 1.1 are supported),
- BMECat 2005 V5.0 (an ETIM BMEcat with Guideline 5.0),
- DICO (a widely used Dutch data standard developed by „Ketenstandaard Bouw & Techniek“; formerly known as the SALES005 standard).
InstallData supports, among others, these data standards:
- BMEcat 2005 with ETIM Guideline version 4.0.2, and also
- INSBOU004 (also an XML-based standard).
According to the official 2BA website, the platform is currently used for over 24 million trade item data, approximately 4.5 million products, and also by around 650 data suppliers.
By the way, you can find more information on InstallData, as well as data exchange formats and also data standards, in our product data management encyclopedia “NEXIpedia.”
Which benefits do you get from this new partnership between nexoma, 2BA and InstallData?
Both 2BA and InstallData require data suppliers to provide complete, up-to-date, and also validated data at all times. This means that manufacturers and suppliers must efficiently deliver validated data—ideally in an automated and continuous manner—according to the required data standards and classifications.
Our feed management SaaS tool, CatalogExpress, is a versatile, cloud-based product data management solution designed specifically for these and many other functions.
As a manufacturer or data supplier, CatalogExpress allows you to generate various international data standards, such as DICO, ETIM xChange, and also BMEcat, in different versions and formats, including BMEcat with integrated ETIM Guidelines.
First, CatalogExpress fetches your product and also business data directly from PIM, MDM, DAM, or ERP systems via interfaces. These source data can then be merged through data mapping. A variety of data conversion functions enable you to refine and customize your data. For example, you can combine multiple short texts into a long product description.
Pre-configured target format templates (e.g., for different BMEcat versions) simplify the correct generation of required data standards. Classification standards such as ETIM or ECLASS can also be generated with CatalogExpress.
Once the required data standard has been generated, you can validate and check your data for erroars. XML formats like BMEcat can, for instance, be validated against XSD schemas. Additionally, you can configure multiple custom data validation checks to ensure your data meets all requirements before being sent to 2BA and InstallData.
Are you an importer, B2B merchant, or installer and would also like to import product and trade item data from 2BA / InstallData into your own systems?
Our equally cloud-based Supplier-Portal is specialized in data onboarding and supplier data management. It allows you to integrate 2BA and InstallData as data sources. Apart from 2BA / InstallData, you can also add additional data sources (e.g., other systems and files) in parallel and also merge these datasets. After fetching the data from 2BA / InstallData, you can then map the source data fields to the appropriate fields and structures of your PIM, ERP, or MDM system. This ensures a smooth and accurate data import into your PIM, ERP, or other systems. Additionally, data conversion into other standards for external data recipients is also possible.
Do you receive data not only from 2BA and InstallData but also from other suppliers? In the Supplier Portal, you have the option to customize supplier management. As a data recipient, you can choose between different management models:
- Self-Service (your suppliers manage their data submissions themselves),
- Self-Made (you, as a merchant, manage data submissions on behalf of the suppliers), or
- A hybrid solution with flexible management—depending on the supplier.
Find more information about 2BA, InstallData, and also our other partners on our partner page.
Do you have questions about the data pools 2BA and InstallData, or about CatalogExpress and the Supplier Portal? Schedule a free consultation with us today!